F = keyboard shortcuts
A Shower Of Thoughts
Portrait of Bernardo Baquero Stand

ยกHola! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ I'm Bernardo Baquero Stand. I work as a Web Frontend Developer, I'm a guitarist and music maker, and love watching films and playing videogames. This is my website and blog.

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Next To-Do: a Shortcut for your next task in Reminders.app

Fill out the tasks you want to accomplish, thenย roll a d6 to determine which one to work on. Roll again to determine how long to work on it. That's the super simple premise of Paper Apps' TODO and it's extra fun and engaging as it's done in a physical notebook and, ideally, with an actual dice as...

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Sticker-bombing my laptop

I can never have enough stickers. I love them. But for a long time I would hesitate on actually using them because "what if it was the wrong place for it?". I was afraid of "wasting" my precious stickers on stuff that maybe I would need to replace or get rid of some time later....

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They announced the Switch 2, finally

๐Ÿ”— Nintendo Switch 2 โ€“ First-look trailer. Some quick thoughts: Feature- and offering-wise it's pretty much what I expected: a safe upgrade without risks. Nintendo probably doesn't want to mess with their winning formula. Also unsurprising but still worth commending: backwards compatibility both...

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